Sunday, 3 November 2013

Papa G's Chilli

We invited Sams parents round for lunch today and decided to cook them something a bit different. Chilli Concarne. 
My Dad makes the best Chilli so I used what he taught me and whipped up a load. Here's how to make it...

This is what you will need (this makes enough for 5 people)
Mince (a big pack! I'm Veggie so used Quorn Mince for one portion for myself)
1 or 2 Onions - I used half a normal onion and a whole red onion
2 or 3 Peppers
2 Tins of Tomatoes
Ground Cumin
Chilli Flakes
Kidney Beans
Rice (I do half a cup per person)

Firstly chop up the onions and put them in the pan with some oil. Fry them until they start to soften.

Then add in the peppers for a few minutes.

While the peppers and onions are cooking you want to drain and rinse the kidney beans.

Chuck in the tins of tomatoes and the kidney beans and give it a good mix.

Then it is time for my secret ingredient....

Sugar and tomatoes is a great combination. So throw in a spoonful of sugar.

Now it's time for my Dads nifty little trick...
Grab one of the empty tomato tins. Put a teaspoon full of ground cumin and a spoonful full of chilli flakes into the tin and fill up with water.

(I spy a Buddy kitten sneaking in!)

Then pour the tin of water in to your chilli and give it a mix.

At this point it kind of looks like you ruin the whole thing but trust me it will be fine. Cover it over with a lid.. or if all else fails (i.e if you are me!!) put some tinfoil over and leave to bubble away while you deal with the meat.

I think most normal people would have put the mince in at the same time as the onions however as I was making one meat version and one veggie version I like to cook the veg separately and then split later. It just means you get the right amount of everything.

So while the veg is simmering I put the mince in a pan and cooked, I don't use oil as the meat tends to provide its own juices. ha! I don't eat meat but I love cooking mince!
When the mince is almost done I start cooking the Quorn mince in another pan, this never takes as long and tend to dry out quite quickly.

When all mince (meat or veggie is ready) I add some of  the veg to the veggie mince and then chuck the meat in with the rest. Leave this to simmer while you cook the rice.

Serve on a plate with rice around the edge and chilli in the middle. Add a big handful of grated cheese and a big dollop of sour cream.

Unfortunately I have no pictures of the finished meal, Sam's parents arrived and I completely forgot to take any photos!

While we ate, Birthday boy Buddy had a special lunch of Ocean Fish Pate which he gobbled up.

And Sam's lovely little sister Phoebe made Buds a birthday cake (which we all enjoyed!).

So this is not your average Sunday lunch but we all enjoyed it!

Lottie xxx

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